Good news! My house sold and I believe tomorrow is the last day the person can back out of the deal. Never heard anything back about the house inspection so I guess there’s nothing too serious. It’s a big relief to finally have a buyer. My new house will be completed in a few weeks in Ohio. The house is looking really nice and my yard there is much bigger than the one I currently have in Texas. I’ve managed to keep on my normal Japanese study path despite all of the interruptions that come with moving to a new state. On WaniKani I’ll be level 18 soon. I think later this week I’ll reach that level. I’m almost finished with chapter 9 of Japanese From Zero book 5 and will be happy to have completed that whole series. Bunpro studying is going pretty good and I’m working through the N4 grammar currently. It’s kind of tough even though I’m only learning one new grammar point everyday. I get a lot wrong normally since it’s difficult to keep everything in memory. I think reading a lot helps new ideas stay so that’s why I continue to read everyday. I have lots of reader books I haven’t gotten to yet since I go back to previous books I’ve already read. There’s a slightly more advanced book I haven’t read in a couple of months that I just finished reading again yesterday. This time it was a lot easier to read. The first read through was really rough! Nice to notice that I’m making some sort of progress. Almost daily I’m also working through a JLPT N5 workbook. It contains short daily exercises and it’s nice to include into the day. More things to read!

There’s my update and I’ll continue to pack a new box everyday. Doing that will make the final moving day much easier and quicker. Excited to be leaving Texas and moving to a much more beautiful state. Time to do some more game work and then get ready for bed.
