caleb zone

A Japanese learner, etc.

久しぶりです。Sort of forgot about my blog for a bit lol. I’m still around and doing the same routine. Thought I should do a post since I completed Japanese From Zero book 4 this evening. Wild that I’ve completed 4 grammar books. I also leveled up to level 14 in WaniKani a few weeks ago and getting close to level 15. I decided to take it even slower on WaniKani since I’ve been getting more frustrated lately when I get things wrong. I’m trying for a while just doing 3 lessons everyday and seeing if I can get my reviews lower. 60+ plus reviews per day feels like a bit much. I’ve been studying Japanese I think for over 8 months now and I’m getting to a weird place mentally. It’s hard to know if I’m improving or just overwhelming myself too much and getting nowhere. Currently it doesn’t feel very fun to be learning the language. I get discouraged more easily now and not sure if I’m starting to wear myself out. I was kind of reluctant to start Japanese From Zero book 5 since I feel like I’ve forgotten lots of stuff from the previous books. Just too dang hard to remember everything. I don’t think I’ve been rushing or anything. Daily, I only get a couple of pages done in the book and then review WaniKani and watch some videos in Japanese. When going to bed I read more Japanese material and currently I’m working through Tae Kim’s book. Entertaining but the stuff I read last night really demotivated me. He covered briefly about Japanese slang. That stuff totally loses me. I may need to actually re-review all of the Japanese From Zero books before continuing on with book 5. I won’t do all of the written exercises again but just re-read all of the chapters. Maybe that would be good…. or I don’t know. By December I’m hoping to be skilled enough to pass the JLPT N4. Oh, I’m also going to be moving this August but I’ll talk more about that later.

Time for me to start getting ready for bed. Have to do my long run tomorrow and then who knows what.




Today is a day where I definitely feel tired of studying Japanese. I’ve been good about studying it everyday for over 8 months now. I completed the 3rd book of Japanese From Zero and started on the 4th. I also reached level 12 on WaniKani. The excitement is really gone at times and I think if I can really keep going on and why❓ I have such a strong habit now that I just keep pushing. I look back and think that I have learned a lot and can express some inner ideas. What’s wild though is that I still totally suck at the language. I listen to Japanese people speak in videos and still don’t know really anything they’re saying. That hits hard and reminds you that you suck. I can read silly little sentences in a grammar book but it’s so far away from real Japanese. My last post mentioned that I started reading a book on the side called Japanese the Manga Way. Really enjoying it and good to be exposed more to everyday speech. I would really like the ability to read manga and get more understanding of the Japanese mind. I think it will eventually happen but it years away. I guess I can’t think much about it and just keep doing my daily routines. Life is routine. The low time in learning will pass and then something will make it fun again. Then another low point will emerge. Studying a lot for the next 5 years seems crazy but I’ll look back in 5 years and wonder how it went by so fast. Can’t stop.

Well enough for now and happy Sunday. Time to go make lunch. Discovered this old song from Clam’s Casino and had no idea how much recognition it gathered. Still a really cool song.









Not writing about Japanese today but I keep thinking of the really sad image above. I found this picture yesterday when browsing through いらすとや. Reminded me when my cat Lilly had to be put down two years ago. She lived a really long life of 18 years. She was so bad at the end and miserable. Couldn’t lift her head up anymore and going to the bathroom was painful. When I took her to the vet the doctor said it was definitely time. I never thought that when my mom first brought Lilly home as a tiny kitten I would have to be the one taking her on the final car ride. I got to pet her while they injected the heart stopping fluid. It was really weird to do that and then just see her eyes stop moving. The life just left. I got way more sad than I expected. Even days after I’d cry sometimes thinking about her. The photo above made me relive through all of that. I often think of how I’ll have to do the same again for the two cats I currently have. Pete and Callie. What hard thing it will be to go through once again. I even think about my parents and how I’ll have to live going through losing them one day.

Well I better get back to work. Enjoy your pets while they’re still with you.



This post will be in English this time. You may have noticed the last couple were in Japanese. I sometimes like to practice writing in Japanese when I learn some new concept from my studies. I can only write and express really, really basic ideas haha. I’d like to say more but I’m pretty limited currently.

Anyhow, have you ever seen those really cute pictures used in all sort of Japanese learning websites? I noticed them since this certain picture set is used a lot on the website. I love these pictures and started wondering who created them. After some digging I found they’re from this site:

かわいいフリー素材集 いらすとや (

There are so many free pictures available for use! Here are a couple cool ones I found:

I can imagine all sorts of uses for these. Like when you’re teaching, creating a flier or writing a story with pictures. Maybe you’ll find these pictures useful. Amazing how many there are and that they’re just given away. I’m sure there’s some restrictions if you plan to use commercially or something. I’m just happy to now know where these cute pictures originated from. Have a look around いらすとや sometime! It’s 楽しい!









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