Hello all again. It’s me and I’m back to say that I’ve made it to level 20 on WaniKani. 1/3 of the way done. Originally, I was planning on getting a custom cake ordered to celebrate this milestone but… yeah never got that motivated to actually execute that plan. Happy to be still grinding away getting through levels and also moving through BunPro. Getting pretty close to completing the N4 level grammar and dang that stuff has been hard. It’s all of that polite and humble stuff. Japanese culture is too polite haha. Here’s an example (from BunPro) making a humble request:


(Excuse me, since this is a library could you please lower your voice a bit?)

Not sure if I can start the N3 grammar next since I don’t feel super confident in the N4 stuff. I’ve definitely seen a lot more N4 concepts come up in my more advanced reading. The elementary level books are what I’m currently reading. Occasionally, I try reading a pre-intermediate and it just gets way too unenjoyable. Need to learn more grammar still plus some more vocabulary. Someday it will somehow be easy to read but I have to stick to the simpler stories at the moment. I even go way back and read the real simple books that used to be difficult just to get a break and not feel like I’m totally incompetent in the language.

Thanks for reading and I should mention I’m VERY close to completing the 5th Japanese from Zero book. Hard to believe I’ve managed to work through the whole series. Those books have really helped me on my Japanese language learning journey and I’m thankful to have discovered them. Once I complete the last book I’m planning on doing the Genki books. I already own them so why not. Fun to start from simple grammar again before it starts to kick ass again.
