It’s me again! Time to write a new post with some more AI art. Look at that silly cat studying non-sense Japanese lol. I’ve been doing just fine and still practicing Japanese daily. Haven’t had anything really I guess to talk about. I’m over halfway through Genki 1 and I think I’m close to level 23 in WaniKani. I completed N5 and N4 grammar in BunPro and now just working through their basic vocabulary deck. Currently I don’t feel ready at all for N3 grammar. Maybe once I finish Genki 1 and 2, I’ll see how I feel at that time. No rush. At night I’m going through reader books and engrossing myself in more sad stories right before bed. From time to time, I am surprised by a story ending happily. A nice twist on my expectations. I decided that when I hit level 25 in WaniKani I’ll buy the dearly loved manga よつばと. I probably by that time could work my way through the first version of the manga. Nice goal to set! I don’t have any new year’s resolutions this year. Didn’t really care this time.

Oh, I did start my own YouTube channel 3D Caleb – YouTube. Surprisingly, it doesn’t cover Japanese but just 3D graphics programming. Maybe I’ll drop some Japanese words occasionally or something. Who knows…

Okay that’s all for now! あけましておめでとうございます。
