
Welp that’s all I feel like writing haha. Writing Japanese is really hard still. Maybe in a few more years it will become more natural to write. Every night I’m reading through one of my various readers and picking up new words gradually. Occasionally I attempt to read a slightly more advanced book but if that gets too exhausting I drop back down to a simpler one. It gets too hard to always be struggling through a passage so being able to read something that’s maybe too simple is a relief. I have plenty of material to read and recently I started studying for the JLPT N5. I really don’t think I’ll be able to take it this year even though it will be close to my new house. Roads will be too dangerous to drive on. I really wish the exam was held more than once per year. Who knows, maybe I’ll just keep studying for years and then make a special trip to Japan to take the N1! That’s pretty wild but it could happen. I think it would be worth traveling all the way there to take it. Just an idea…

That’s all for now. Going to have pizza night soon and in the meantime I’m going to go watch some more Japanese videos.
